Ontario Power Generation's Deep Geologic Repository

Ontario Power Generation's Deep Geologic Repository is Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) proposed repository for low and intermediate level radioactive waste. The facility would be located on the Bruce nuclear site, which is near Tiverton in the Municipality of Kincardine, Ontario.[1]

The deep geological repository is designed to manage low and intermediate level radioactive waste, produced from the continued operations at the Bruce, Pickering and Darlington nuclear generating stations in Ontario. Low level waste (LILW-SL, Short lived) consists of industrial items that have become contaminated with low levels of radioactivity during routine clean-up and maintenance activities at nuclear generating stations. Intermediate level radioactive waste (LILW-LL, Long lived) consists primarily of ion-exchange resins and filters used to purify reactor water systems, and used reactor components such as steam generators and reactor pressure tubes.[2]

The OPG DGR would be located 680 metres or 2230 feet below the surface, beneath very thick layers of limestone and shale rock, which have remained stable for more than 450 million years.[3]

See also
